- Закон України № 376-V про Голодомор 1932-33 рр.
- Офіційне визнання міжнародною спільнотою
- Суд над організаторами Голодомору-Геноциду
Статут Культурно-освітнього центру «Дивосвіт» при Спілці українців у Португалії
- Українсько-португальська угода про соціальне забезпечення
- До уваги всіх, хто оновлює або отримує водійські посвідчення в Португалії
- У відпустку в Україну власним автотранспортом до 60 днів
- «Шлях Перемоги» - громадсько-політичний тижневик
The World Festival of Youth and Students will be hosted by the Russian Federation between October 14-22, 2017. Young people from different countries have been invited.
• The program of the events is scheduled to have foreign delegates visit the territory of Ukraine temporarily occupied by the armed aggressor - the Russian Federation – such as Sevastopol (Ukraine) and Simferopol (Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine). Moreover, in official announcements of the festival organizers, these Ukrainian cities are listed as part of the Russian region. (Excerpts of program attached). This is a blatant defiance of international standards and conventions.
the Union of Ukrainians in Portugal calls on youth and student organizations to boycott this event.
It also calls on European Parliaments and Governments to;
• Issue appropriate warnings about travel to occupied regions - From a safety perspective
in adhering to European Parliaments and Governments Travel advisories and
• Reinforce European Parliaments and Governments condemnation on Russia’s aggression
in Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea.
The planned border crossing within the territory of Ukraine annexed by the Russian Federation is a flagrant violation of Ukraine's sovereignty, Ukrainian legislation, generally accepted norms of international law, including the UN Charter, United Nations General Assembly Resolutions "Territorial integrity of Ukraine" A / Res / 68/262 March 27, 2014 and "State of Human Rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol" A / Res / 71/205 of December 19, 2016, the Baku Declaration and Resolutions of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, as well as other multilateral international treaties to which Ukraine and Russia are signatories .
The Government of Ukraine has called for an international boycott. This planned Festival and its program is falling into the hands of Putin and the Russkyj Mir propaganda machine. International values and principles are being violated. Holding international events such as this and the proposed World Cup in 2018 in Russia allow Putin to whitewash his atrocities.
Ukrainian peak bodies and Organisations are called to lobby and present the official Ukrainian government boycott of the World Festival Youth and Students to relevant youth and foreign affairs ministries of their respective governments.
Governments should condemn the proposed violations and support Ukraine’s demand to boycott this event. There is an urgent need to counter the hybrid war that the Russian Federation is leading against Ukraine.
The “festival” is a further example of Russia’s hybrid war that now includes cynical manoeuvres to involve the youth of the world in efforts to undermine international solidarity in opposing Russian armed aggression and use of force to change internationally recognized borders.
The Union of Ukrainians in Portugal calls on all freedom loving countries that respect the rule of law, especially those that did not recognize the annexation of the Crimea, to condemn the so called “World Festival of Youth and Students,” including the planned visits to Ukrainian territories occupied by Russia.
President of the Union of Ukrainians in Portugal
Pavlo Sadokha
O seu apoio é importante, independentemente do valor que está disponível a doar
Громадське незалежне
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