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Статут Культурно-освітнього центру «Дивосвіт» при Спілці українців у Португалії
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Dear Ukrainians in Portugal
The team of “Run for Peace” wants to express you a gratitude for support and cooperation!
We are happy to announce that the team of “Run for Peace” was nominated for international award “Peace and Sport” that will be held in Monaco in November 26 under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco. The “Run for Peace” is nominated for “Event of the Year” award. The list of winners will be selected by 80 famous sportsmen.
We gained this high achievement thanks to you active support of the unique sport event “Run for Peace”. During all the process of organization and implementation of event we felt warm support and encouragement from Ukrainian Diasporas. The team of “Run for Peace” will be happy to continue our effective cooperation to provide peace and sports!
Kind regards,
Run for Peace Team
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O seu apoio é importante, independentemente do valor que está disponível a doar
Громадське незалежне
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